The Search
Short phrases make a much bigger audience coverage – all the most common requests are put in 1-3 words and very few people gathering in the search engines more than 5.4 words. On the other hand, correctly worded text content can narrow your search, capture it to your buyer and not generating a "load of traffic on your site. Good effect can produce ads that explicitly specify the geo-referencing, let the search with geotargeting by Yandex and somewhat reduced the value of accurate depiction of Geography offers in advertising. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. As for the audience that pays attention to contextual advertising, there is among experts in online advertising is no consensus. Most agree on the fact that there is a category of people that often and willingly turns to contextual advertising, so that category which generally ignores contextual advertising.
So even if the company focuses on contextual advertising, with the time it is recommended to combine it with activities to promote the site. What more can you attract the real buyers? Advertising (and contextual advertising as well) should be interesting, because of this it stands out among the surrounding ads. And at the same time, it should be clear about what we do – you do not want that on your site came by mistake and just disappeared? If the advertiser has a good understanding of what its target audience, the content of the content can be adjusted to suit the tastes of potential buyers. Youth audience can attract the type declaration "teaser" ("teasers" – even though such things are much easier to implement in a graphic instead of plain text), business people – the dry enumeration of the benefits in about 10 words. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out American Writer.