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The Usual Psychoses: The Question of the Diagnosis in Psychoanalysis Edna Cndido Rock Giselle Falone Marra Ulen Camargo of the Steps Wellington Luis Cardoso Bessa Summary the present article considers to argue, through the study of a case, the diagnosis of usual psychosis, understood as a type of psychosis of flabby and sufficiently precarious subjective […]
The free competition is used of prerogatives to demand of the State that acts to restrain the abuse of the exercise of certain freedoms. How much to this differentiation it detaches Aguillar, In synthesis, the beginning of the initiative freedom it is a right of the economic agent in face of the State, demanding an […]
In its more recent book on the new trend of the marketing, Professor Philip Kotler describes what flame of Marketing 3.0. In accordance with the author, the first wave of the marketing (Marketing 1,0) was centered in the product. To this time, the world lived the industrial age, when the technology to a large extent […]