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Murderous applause for the new Frankfurt-thriller from the Sutton Verlag Frankfurt am Main – round fifty guests enjoyed a unique mystery reading with the Offenbach author Helmut Barz on Thursday evening at the crime Museum in Frankfurt. Together with the famous actress Raquel Erdtmann-Simon and the young guitarist Benjamin Kolloch Babs presented its thriller debut […]
The removal of fat stagnates sugar and insulin – the complicated interplay of insulin in the blood is. Insulin is a hormone of the mast – we eat too many carbohydrates, our body burns less fat. This reduces our good HDL cholesterol and triglyceride values increase. The bad LDL cholesterol is aggressively (atherogenic). Often the […]
From A like superstition to Z like time, the practical guide to everyday Russian. Why are restaurants in Russian cities so little deserves full, although the population? What technical sophistication required for Russian opener? What shoes are suitable for the Russian winter? Why is it important in Russia to have no holes in the socks? […]
A book to the dream away and think… The first book “Star rain of dreams” by Susanne Koch is now for three months on the market and is increasingly finding its way. A journey through the fantasy begins. From the first story, the reader, in a strange, but also familiar world is run. The world […]
It goes since the chaos and the birth of the world until the metamorphosis of Cesar in astro, counting the lendrias transformations of human beings in animals, rocks or plants, with spirit, subtileza, would galanteria and imagination. It is a composed legend collection in six verses you syllabify, the majority of Greek origin, in each […]
I was looking at the city to sleep. Ficadeserta looked at as the Av. Brazil the night. Of time in when it passed an car, a motion, a galeroso. I started to calculate the time deintervalo between each car that passed: between the first one and as it had umademora of five minutes; third, three> […]
If phrase N. 2 will be taken for a fundamentalismo would be extremistapoderia to justify attempted against terrorist, religious wars, exploraoda America to leave of the century XV and as much other committed atrocities already, having as deep cloth of the defense of a belief on the state power. Comoresolver such problem? The religious perspective […]
Happily the flame of the militancy of our Big Jean continues lighted, what it offers to the admirers with texts published in periodicals and magazines of national circulation and kills the homesickness of who likes it writer. I will never forget This book was born of the sensitivity of the writer and bahian poet, Valdeck […]