informatics peruano Archives:
In law there are various research methods, among which are the analytical method, sociological, systematic, exegetical, functionalist, among others. The research methods are classified into general research methods and special methods of investigation. Are considered general methods of synthesis research and analysis, and are considered specific methods of inquiry with other methods such as exegesis, […]
Substantive codes regulate the substantive law of a State. Civil and Professional codes are considered substantive. These oppose the procedural codes governing procedural law as the Civil Procedure Code, Civil Procedural Code, Civil Procedure Code 1852, Code of Professional Procedure, Code of Professional Procedure, Constitutional Procedural Code, among others. Special codes are considered those that […]
the background of the Peruvian and Spanish law codes: The Spanish Code of 1889 is the legislative history of 1804 French Civil Code, while the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 is foreign legislative history many codes, among which the Italian Civil Code 1942. The Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 legislative history is also national national standards […]