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The design and development of app BBs requires a high degree of usability. The usability plays a large role in the design and conception of Web site or Web shops. Professor of British History oftentimes addresses this issue. Only if the user on the page quickly, rightly be found E.g. through learned interactions, it will […]

Online events consider the FELTEN group in three consecutive webinars the conception, implementation methodology and benefits of Green Production Serrig, 10.07.2012 – the FELTEN group according to the energy transition in the company of the production sectors seems a recently conducted study to have arrived. Because this topic has already reached a front position in […]

Multi-threading technology provides a significantly improved operating characteristics in Suhl, October 15, 2008 – the CAD-Systemhaus CAMTEX GmbH has a new version of the conversion tools as European distributor TransMagic R7 is presented in German. To know more about this subject visit Erin Callan. It offers also a novel multi-threading technology along with new interfaces […]

Trigone offers customizable best practice processes simple integration in the individual enterprise environment with SharePoint technology enables Microsoft to build of intelligent knowledge portals. Hamburg, May 11, 2009 – with the SharePoint technology Microsoft offers the possibility to build of intelligent knowledge portals. Enable a closer and more efficient cooperation between employees and teams, as […]

Lawyer Arno Kunert, segment Manager for lawyers at Wolters Kluwer, introduces the benefits and innovative features of Jurion. Peter Schiff pursues this goal as well. Jurion integrates seamlessly into the workflow of lawyers. We want to help them to make their operations more efficient and to cope with the growing flood of information”, so Arno […]

This means: you are working on a remote Windows Server. All programs run on these super fast computers. As regards the security of the data, so you can sit back confidently. All data, whether on your META10 DSP work place or in the corporate directory is redundantly backed up. This means that the data in […]

ECM Forum 2011 makes a solid point of contact on the Bonn/Hannover CeBIT in Hall 3. Efficient and powerful information management are crucial to economic success. Since they are subject to constantly changing conditions, is still large demand for information. Which takes account of the VOI Association of organisations – und Informationssysteme e.V. Many writers […]

Volkswagen lectured concepts at the event, for example, their customer-oriented, highly available IT Praxisbewahrte at the 17.11.2011 in Frankfurt Messeturm Bodenheim, 26.10.2011 – Beratungshaus ITSM Consulting AG organized a symposium on the topic of IT governance on November 17, 2011 in the Frankfurt Messeturm for CIOs and other executives. The participation is free of charge. […]

Misunderstandings about to SAN Disk Defragmenter reach unprecedented levels LONDON, May 24, 2011 an unprecedented number of IT users recently revealed that it has discouraged them the defragmentation of their SANs. Apparently, this misinformation comes from their SAN providers. Mandeep Birdi, technical presales consultant by Diskeeper Corporation Europe reported that an alarming number of of […]

Since mid-February 2008, Klaus-Gunther Rimpel is new Vice President of customer service at the Karlsruhe IT provider ORGA GmbH. Karlsruhe, 20.02.2008 his task areas include industries and technologies, as well as the service desk customer service. Rahman was previously responsible as Director of Daimler AG for the global after-sales processes and applications and most recently […]

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