Spanish Civil Code

In law there are various research methods, among which are the analytical method, sociological, systematic, exegetical, functionalist, among others. The research methods are classified into general research methods and special methods of investigation. Are considered general methods of synthesis research and analysis, and are considered specific methods of inquiry with other methods such as exegesis, among other research methods. The research method followed in this research is the comparative method, which involves comparing the right of several States or part of the law of several States, or of the right of a State (for example, can be compared in the media impugnatorios civil procedure and professional procedure law). Applying the comparative method are comparable laws, codes, judgments, enforcement, law, general principles of law, legal doctrine and practice.

In this sense applying the comparative method compares the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 with the French Civil Code of 1804, or the Spanish Civil Code of 1889. Also applying the comparative method compares the social reality of two different States, for example, can compare the trade-Peruvian trade, French or Spanish commerce. The comparative method is usually not used alone but used in conjunction with other research methods such as analytical method. 4. orm.html’>ARC China. Ca “COMPARED DIGOS compared Codes are: 1) The Spanish Civil Code of 1889 and 2) The Peruvian Civil Code 1984. 5.

Exhibition “N STATEMENT The Peruvian Civil Code 1984 is preamble to some articles and books, while the Spanish Civil Code has a brief explanatory statement, called exposure. 6. CLASS CODES Codes compared, ie the Peruvian Civil Code 1984 and the Spanish Civil Code of 1889, are substantive codes, special, affordable, and civil law written by several authors.

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