Soda, Beer, Or Wine – Kalorienfallen In The Glass
Kalorienfallen lurk everywhere. Whether small snacks between meals or at larger meals for the dream figure when calorie-conscious Eater on the content of their food. Speaking candidly Craig Menear told us the story. But not only food make us the spanner in the diet often, drinks just increase our calorie account almost unnoticed. Continue to learn more with: Home Depot. Who always drink lemonade to the thirst, rarely omitted his well-deserved after-work beer and can not resist even the delicious cocktail sets additional pounds even at diet ausgewogenstem. The effects of beverages on the weight are often underestimated. But a sharpened calorie awareness helps to dodge the silent Kalorienfallen and achieving the dream weight. Refreshing juice and soda, but accurate calorie especially on warm summer days the refreshing fruity taste of lemonade is very popular.
But with a high sugar content and average 50 kcal per 100 ml, the cool shower is no lightweight in the drinks. Little surprising are the refreshments the strong sugary Cola, Fanta and Sprite extremely far forward in the calorie chart. Depending on the manufacturer, up to 60 kcal in 100 ml can strain the dream weight. Caution is also in juices. Grape juice with 70 to 80 kcal per 100 ml is ranked even above the popular orange or Apple juice, which strikes about 50 kcal to beech. Who wants to still enjoy the juice consumption and spurns the calorie Spritzer, rather uses grapefruit juice or the vegetable alternatives carrots and tomato juice are outfitted with less than 25 kcal per 100 ml to the kalorienarmeren Variant.
The figure due to a waiver of the major vitamins from fruits and vegetables is but of course not necessary. Own juices as well as a fresh Apple, pur eaten, are no less tasty and refreshing as a drink from the supermarket. Beer, wine, cocktails coziness with follow up the heavyweights among the potable Kalorienfallen especially in the alcoholic can be found despite the relatively high calorific values of non-alcoholic refreshments.