Salary Recalculation

Recalculation is carried out as follows: Sc = SH / KH * Kc, where Sc – the sum of the average salary used to calculate any charges for the month of A; SH – the amount of charges, taken into account in interpreting the average salary for the month in the calculation of B average salary per month A; Book – the number of hours for which payment was in the month of D for this type of calculation, Ks – the number of hours worked per month B – "P" – takes into account deviations from the work schedule (time not worked), and calculates the amounts assessed, taking into account the deviations from the formula: Sc = SH / K * Kc, where Sc – the sum of the average salary used to calculate any charges for the month of A; SH – the amount of charges, taken into account in interpreting the average salary per month in the calculation of B average salary per month A, K – number of hours scheduled for the month of Kc B – number of hours worked per month, Set B sample of the average salary for calculation of different types of calculations on the average salary in advance to make a list of typical average salaries. For this algorithm to show the form of payroll (accounting department -> Algorithms payroll) select the tab "Typical average wages." When creating a new model of the average wage is filled fields editing Typical average salary as follows: 1. .

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