People XXVI State
XI the administration, for the government of the State, folloied of dr head of polices, of the consular body and the heads of the distribution you publish federaes and of the State. XIII Navy of war represented for the seted officialidade, having its front the inspector captain of frigate of the armory of navy, folloied of pelotes of sailor nacionaes, dragging parts of artillery of landing and the school of marine apprenticees. XIV the associations for the different maonicas store, charitable societies litteraes and others, with standards distinctivos. XV the bureaucracy, for the public officers of all the categories. XVI Alumnos of escholas of the masculine sex XVII Alumnas of escholas of the femenino sex. XVIII Collegio Support XIX Municipal Intendancy, folloied of its staff.
XX Institute of educandos craftsmen paraense. XXI- Armory of war, represented for its military staff and civil XXII- Armory of navy, represented for its military staff and civil XXIII- Body of firemen with its material and equipment XXV- body of polices XXV- in general People XXVI- All the people who will quizerem to follow the prestito the car. We can perceive in the extensive list of the programming of ' ' stroll civico' ' it in such a way presents a function of delimitation of the activities of civil and military people. We can identify in this ticket of the source, that at this moment if these events had started to define its basic and determinative activities for the life of the citizens. The direction that the parties start to exert is to mold the image of the citizens making with that they perceived its ' ' papis' ' believed the consensus that the State it was the context of the class actions of the citizens. In this direction, one perceives that it starts to happen to the traditions of the parades that metaforizavam the symbologies of the republican state with its standards with flags and its sculptures representing the freedom that impersonatied the proper image that if it desired to be transparent in such a way of the Republic, how much of the proper State.