Official Journal

no, the only thing that has expiry is the Digital stamp, this must be renewed every two years. You can issue invoices in dollars? A. no, you have to do the conversion to pesos according to the price of the dollar published in the Official Journal of the Federation that corresponds to the date on which the invoice was issued. I do electronic billing and invoice on paper at the same time? R if you’re a company judged Yes can do the two ways (hybrid), if you’re not a refereed company must opt for a single mode either in paper or electronic. Do I report you to SAT that I’m going to start with the electronic invoice? R to the SAT you have not to send any statement, because when you request electronic folios (on the page of the SAT, SICOFI), for them you’re already doing electronic invoice, and if you’re not a company already judged you can not do paper bill. When I request my electronic folios on SAT, I continue with my straight I’ve been in paper? R. No, when it starts the electronic invoice is requested a new series if you wish, folios range starts from the number 1, and later, already electronic consecutive takes. How genre my monthly report for the SAT? R + Masfacturacion generates automatically, you have to export the monthly report of + Masfacturacion to a folder and hence upload it to the SAT page in the SICOFI.

If I put in paper and electronic form do I have to send two monthly reports? A. Yes, two reports should send to the SAT in the SICOFI application. How long do I have to send my monthly report? R throughout the next month, for example, if you finish in June you have the entire month of July to send the report. I cancel an invoice in + Masfacturacion? R consult CFDs enter and click on the Cancel invoice option. Long kept an electronic invoice? The law obliges all taxpayers to retain electronic invoices for a minimum period of 5 years in the original format (XML) or on paper in the case of recipients who receive the printed receipt. What requirements I must meet to implement the electronic invoice? We we accompany you to your appointment with the SAT and we help you with all the red tape and cost.What is needed is: – having a certificate of advanced electronic signature force.-having one or more certificates digital stamp. -Having a specific range of pages allocated by the SAT. -Having a simultaneous accounting.

-Sending of monthly report. (Legal basis: article 29, ninth paragraph of the Fiscal Code of the Federation).

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