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Happily the flame of the militancy of our Big Jean continues lighted, what it offers to the admirers with texts published in periodicals and magazines of national circulation and kills the homesickness of who likes it writer. I will never forget This book was born of the sensitivity of the writer and bahian poet, Valdeck Almeida de Jesus, creator of First Fan-Club of the Jean Wyllys. The idea to write ‘ ‘ I will never forget to brother Jean Wyllys’ ‘ , it ahead appeared of the great number of people who had looked to the fan-club of Jean sending messages, wanting to know notice, demonstrating affection. Jean, that assumed its homossexualidade public, during the program, was the first intellectual to participate of a Big Brother Brazil. Being the most attended and commented of all, the fifth edition, carried out for Jean, was considered of the bigger marketing success of the TV Globe. The program mobilized the attentions of the country and had its end equalized to a game of Pantry of the World.
It was more than 1,6 million spectators, according to measurement of the Ibope, only in the Great So Paulo. The conquest of Jean marked the victory of the raised values, consecrated the ethics, the friendship and the Brazilian culture. Well more cultured of what the average of the participants of reality shows, the intellectual champion impersonaties the hope in better Brazil. Jean conquered the heart of much people. The public surpassed the preconception against the minorities and knew the Jean citizen with its values and its ideals. Jean Wyllys was successful one reality show, but was the Brazilian nation that left victorious person.
With the launching of Never I will forget brother Jean Wyllys, the register of a special moment, reaffirmation of the values, will be forever. is very good for knowing that, as well as many of us, you also admire the example of this humble and fighting Brazilian, whom she showed to that the ethics still are capable to win one reality popular show as the Big Brother Brazil. With the resignation and serenity necessary to survive to the adversities, Jean pleases, inhales and mobilizes. To share of these moments, where its fans open the heart to leave registers of love, affection and confidence, comforts and it never encourages in them to give up to fight for our dreams in a better future. As same Jean it cited, of Saramago: ‘ ‘ The ideal would be a society without tolerance and without intolerncia, why same the tolerance estimates that you are superior to the other. Then let us tolerate ‘ ‘.