Microsoft SharePoint Foundation
What is SharePoint? Platform Microsoft SharePoint – a suite of software products and technologies to be installed on Windows Server and provide users with a framework for collaboration through the Web interface or using a web browser and software MS Office. This makes it possible to quickly create and edit Web sites to work together staff in a local network or the Internet, as well as a convenient built-in content sites content (document libraries, Lists news, wiki, reference, etc.). These components – a kind of 'building blocks' of sites in SharePoint, which can be placed on them by hand or by selecting one of the many templates. Figure 1 This is a sample of how the site would look like, based on a template developed by the 'Team Site' Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. We have before us an example of a site, where users have started to work: in Announcements, news, two new messages from different users, and a list of links added a new link. For site content web components employees do not need knowledge of the programmer – the components are placed directly in the browser. For more complex SharePoint configuration using a free web editor SharePoint Designer, which you can make settings without editing the code, only visual methods. Figure 1. Home site based on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 What are the different versions of SharePoint? Microsoft offers two product families SharePoint – two consecutive versions: SharePoint 2007 (WSS 3.0 free application and fee components of MOSS 2007) SharePoint 2010 (free service, now called Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010, and commercial Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010).