Marketing Definition

One definition of marketing said that it refers to the planning and execution of all aspects and activities related to a product, with the aim of influencing the consumer to buy as much as possible to an optimal price, which maximize the benefit of the company's long-term when we define a product from the marketing point of view we must take into account that almost always a combination of both tangible and intangible. A sweet liqueur such is not only chocolate and liqueur to taste, is much more than that. Others including Nicholas Carr, offer their opinions as well. The consumer will choose liqueur chocolates you want taking into account many things, such as branding, packaging, type of liquor. Maybe you are looking for a chocolate for a gift that denotes good taste, refinement, and therefore would not help either. When the customer buys, acquires tangible physical attributes, and all the efforts you have made which developed the product. In the case when we refer to the product speak of a person, a human being who has a very specific activity: dedicated to business, and therefore must maintain a fairly constant interaction with other men, ie needs to develop deep relationships. Its objectives will be to specify the design or business before it. Therefore also required to sell, sell their image, their abilities to achieve their purposes.

Businesses are resolved within the framework of relations interpersonal. Computers do not make decisions, the man himself. They are the men, discussing, interacting, negotiating, either face to face in an office or a restaurant, or in front of a bottle of drink, or through a letter, fax or email. .

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