Institute Ayrton Senna

Despite in a general way, let us recognize the loss as factor determinative for the possible disappearance of the group, this also can serve as reinforcement in the continuity of the reales. Being the relation ' ' fan and dolo' ' a relation between individuals, the loss in this represented case of full form through the physical death. If dolo already while still alive possessed the special status of somebody, almost not human thing, now it is included in the roll of the halfones. In such a way, the medias of mass, had started to deal with the myth that Ayrton Senna if transformed and in the reinforcement of its image. The TV Globe disponibilizou to the public a great amount of information on Senna, exaltando its positive values, strengthening the hero image, contributing for the maintenance of the unconscious myth in the collective one. In order to perpetuate in the memory of new fans the work of dolo, the necessity appears to share material, and of certain form, to show that death was not in they go.

The death goes to represent a new stage of the relations, and being thus, this departure not it is, of form none, without return. Shown example of this had been the news article in March of 2004, commemorating the 44 years of Senna. Because to commemorate 44 years when in this exactly year it would make 10 years without Senna? In the truth the Globe wanted to pass the impression of life and not of death. In 1 news article, the porpos TV Globe to show the life trajectory since infancy, in 2 its victories, rivalries in the track and death, 3 through the Institute Ayrton Senna, transmitted action of solidarity, in 4 portraied Senna is of the track ' ' champion of simplicidade' ' in the last Senna appears as a hero, a to be followed example.

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