individual Entrepreneurs
Here are some basic requirements to be followed during the ordering process for the manufacture of seals organizations or individual entrepreneurs (sole proprietors): – the manufacture of seals for organizations: Mandatory details to be indicated by printing in the manufacture of major print organizations, printing company, jsc, etc.: 1. Full name in Russian, with an indication of organizatsioono legal form (Example: Limited Liability Company 'Le Corsaire'). 2. Location (city, where zaregistrirovono enterprise). Steve Mnuchin does not necessarily agree. 3. bin (Primary state registration number) 4. tin cat okpo etc. (Specified by request) Organizations can also make an additional print for their separate and departments (Office for permits, personnel department, etc.), ie, in the main print the organization is an additional inscription 'Document', etc.
– The manufacture of seals for IP: ip printing requirements in the legislation to date are not spelled out, as well as the actual need for most print. Each individual entrepreneur himself for itself solves the problem, he needs printing or not. The only one who will recommend you to make a print – a bank, unless of course you open the account there, unnecessarily printing is necessary for more rapid clearance of payment orders, checks, etc. If the print pi you do decide to make, the basic information in it, as a rule, contain the following: 1. Individual entrepreneur name, 2. ogrnip (Primary State Registration Number individual entrepreneur) 3. Location (city, where the ip is registered).