Heat Transfer Processes

Heat transfer processes are of great importance in chemical, energy, metallurgy, food and other industries. In heat exchangers the heat transfer from one environment to another via dividing them wall caused by several factors and is a complex process, which is usually divided into three basic types of heat transfer: conduction, convection and thermal radiation. In practice, these phenomena are not isolated, are in some combination and occur simultaneously. Heat exchanger has the greatest value, or convective heat transfer, heat transfer, which is carried out with total and simultaneous action conduction and convection. According to the method of heat transfer heat exchangers are divided into surface and mixing. In the surface plate heat exchangers operating environment exchanges heat through the walls of conductive material, and mixing in heat exchangers, heat is transferred by direct mixing of the working media.

For high-speed surface heat exchangers are STA. Surface Plate heat exchangers, in turn, are divided on the recuperative and regenerative. In the regenerative heat exchange between the various devices coolants is through partition walls. In this case the heat flow each point of the wall remains the same direction. In the regenerative heat exchanger fluids are alternately in contact with the same heating surface. The direction of heat flow at each point wall varies periodically. Consider the recuperative heat exchanger surface of continuous CTA. This collapsible plate heat exchangers, heat transfer characterized by intense, simple manufacture, compact, low hydraulic resistance, ease of installation and removal of contaminants.

Temploobmenniki STA are becoming more common as have the financial and operational benefits. These heat exchangers consist of individual plates separated by rubber gaskets, two end cameras, frame and tightening bolts. The plates are punched from corrosion-resistant sheet steel (thickness 0.4 – 1.2 mm). Material of steel that we use for the manufacture of heat exchangers, gasketed STA 1.4401/AISI316, 1.4541/AISI321, 1.4571/316Ti. To increase the heat transfer surface and turbulence in fluid flow-through plate heat exchangers plates of the apparatus operates a corrugated or ribbed, and corrugated materials can be horizontal or are 'in the tree' (step crimp 11.5, 22.5 and 30 mm, height 4-7 mm). To the plates are glued (or attach clips) rubber laying round and special shape to seal construction; coolant is directed along a plate heat exchanger, or through the following channel device. Movement of fluids in the plate heat exchanger can be co-current, countercurrent and the mixed scheme. Heat transfer surface of one device can be varied from 0.05 to 2000m2, the number of plates, from 3 to 1000. In plate heat exchangers STA temperature coolant is limited to 110 C to 180 C, pressure from -1 to 23bar (depending on the type of heat exchanger). Commonly used single pass plate heat exchangers. Their distinguishing feature is a 100% counter-current two environments. All input and output connections are connected to the fixed plate heat exchanger. This method greatly simplifies the installation of a plate heat exchanger service. A small temperature difference between the environments may require the use of multi-path gasketed heat exchangers. In this case, the connecting pipes are fed to both fixed and presses the plate to. Through this principle of action dismountable plate heat exchanger is efficient to use, and design features allow you to increase or decrease the capacity plate heat exchanger when the number of plates depending on the imposed on the heat exchanger requirements. OOO "NPP" Termoprom "

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