Green Chemistry New EcoFriendly Solutions

Recently, the transition from administrative methods of prescribing to control unwanted emissions and destroy formed by chemical processes harmful substances to a fundamentally different method – the "green" chemistry. "Green" chemistry in its best incarnation – is an art form that allows not just get the right stuff, but ideally to get his way, which does not harm the environment nor to one stage of production. Of course, the substance must also be friendly biosphere. Using the methods of "green" chemistry leads to a reduction of production costs, if only because they do not need to enter the stage destruction and recycling of hazardous by-products, used solvents and other wastes, since they are simply not produced. Reducing the number of stages leading to energy savings, and it also has a positive effect on environmental and economic assessment of the production. It is important to note that the view of the ongoing research in terms of 'green' chemistry can be useful in purely scientific terms.

Often such a change of paradigm allows scientists to see their own research in a new light and open up new opportunities that benefit science in general 1. By "green" chemistry, in terms of the chemist, may include any improvement of chemical processes which has a positive effect on the environment. In the recent literature 2 formulated twelve principles of "green" chemistry to guide researchers working in this field. Can divide the problems within the competence of the "green" chemistry into two directions. The first is associated with the processing, disposal, destruction of environmentally hazardous by-products and waste chemical and other industries industry so as to eliminate an environmental hazard, or at least reduce it to acceptable values.

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