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They also approved a fund of 30 billion dollars to poor countries from 2010 to 2012 and other 100 billion each year from 2013 to 2020. The text, according to experts, is available after the failure of at least 12 days of negotiations in 2012 to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, the only treaty which obliges 37 industrial nations to cut emissions carbon dioxide. The President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, pleaded disappointed and said the incident reminded him of his days as a union, when he was faced with major business leaders. If you would like to know more then you should visit Euro Pacific Precious Metals. The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, said by their part that it was an agreement “Undemocratic”, unbeknownst to most, while his counterpart from Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, said the text was produced by “the empire” of America. Footnotes, the text clarifies that Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Sudan rejected the document, considering it as an agreement for a minimum range. The countries of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) reported the failure of the Summit on Climate Change (COP15) and demanded that industrialized nations transparent commitments to preserving the planet and humankind.

The presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia, Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, respectively, along with Cuban Vice President Esteban Lazo and leaders of other nations in the bloc, pointed out that for ALBA and other countries, there is no document in Copenhagen by the lack of political will North. “Unfortunately, the summit is a failure. We will continue to strive to achieve the objectives of saving the planet, “said President Hugo Chavez fact that the 15th Conference United Nations on Climate Change (COP15) said in its final determination that the international community should prevent the temperatures rise above two degrees, but is silent on how and who should bear the burden. The UN has estimated that would require developed countries emit between 25% and 40% less than in 1990, but the deals announced, all volunteers, are limited to 17%. You do not get.

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