Employment Office

Royal Decree Law 1/2011 is a consequence of the Social and economic agreement for growth, employment and the guarantee of pensions, which provided, inter alia, the reform of the active policies of employment, including extraordinary and urgent programmes to the cyclical situation. The present Royal Decree Law provides: – exceptional employment programme for the transition to the stable procurement – program of professional retraining of people who exhausted their protection by unemployment-improving employability actions that combine performances of vocational guidance and training for employment-inclusion of unemployed persons in training actions aimed at busy people – global strategy for employment of women with older 1.-exceptional employment transition program towards the stable hiring (article 1) duration: the duration initially envisaged for this exceptional plan is 12 months from the entry into force of the standard (13 February of) 2011). Beneficiaries: companies, freelancers and companies cooperatives provided that these, with regard to their worker members, have opted for the regime of social security workers self-employed or labour. Groups included in the measures: unemployed people registered continuously in the employment office from January 1, 2011 and having an age equal or less than 30 years or be registered in the Employment Office at least 12 months in the 18 months prior to hiring. Reduction in quote: part-time recruitment with day between 50% and 75% of that of a full-time worker comparable, indefinite or temporary mode which allow the part-time recruitment of duration equal to or more than 6 months, excluding contracts of interim and respite care. Measure: Reduction in all business fees, during the 12 months following the hiring of 100% in enterprises with less than 250 staff persons or 75% on the assumption that the company has a template equal to or greater than 250 workers. Net increase in the staff of the company. Calculation formula: the quotient resulting from dividing between 90 summation of indefinite or temporary contracts that were high in the company in each of the 90 days immediately preceding the new hiring or transformation, excluded temporary or indefinite contracts that had become extinct in that period by disciplinary dismissal declared as coming, resignationdeath, retirement or total, absolute permanent disability or major disability of the worker. .

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