Email Marketing

We know that email marketing is to be effective, it is necessary to get the subscribers or prospects to open our emails, otherwise we will be investing time and money and to work without reward. So the mail cause effect, must first get to the Inbox of the Subscriber: the deliverability is the first step and has a lot to do with that program autorrespondedor we are using and if we use opt-in or not. The second thing more important is from where you are sending our messages (sender), if we put our names or domains or if we omit only the step and nobody will know the emails come from where them. Another very valuable thing is what we write in the title or subject: must be a sexy subject. The holder is the gateway of marketing by mail, if not they invite you to pass to the subscribers and the door remains closed, nobody, or at least very few will enter and open the message. It uses different ways to say the same thing and test which is what more conversion has. It is important to understand that email for some people can seem cold, which is not good because it will not be that these people come to the site we are sending them to that.

For that reason, is engage in a conversation and that the message is from a person to a person (computers do not read the emails, people read them and they have feelings); dialogues with your prospects as if you were talking to your neighbor, your know it, your know which is your interest and your interest samples you in the. I told neighbor and not friend, there is a difference between as we chat with our friends and a different one is the dialogue that we have with neighbors, there is a formality, the codes of language we use with neighbors are different to them that they use with friends. In the case of subscribers is practically the same, your know them because you know what your interest (is on your list) your you know which is your language (because you used the key words), the only thing you have to do is start the conversation, must be friendly but not bold, not very formal so you not bored and must be transcendent to that not you stay in oblivion. Finally, a Council: If you are already working with email marketing and you have already sent emails, do a test: takes one of your messages (which had more opening) and try to make these changes, then check the opening of the original with the opening of the test message and I challenge you to to send me your comments.

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