Dominican Republic

Another gesture to take care is the Ok innocent, that touch of the thumb and indicating finger forming one I circulate and to strain the others three fingers. In Brazil and U.S.A., depending on the context, something is positive, is that it is all certainty; but exactly this way it can mean something vulgar, therefore well-taken care of when making such Latin gesture in countries, France or in Germany, therefore you can be ordering somebody ' ' if ferrar' ' to call a person, to raise the hand and to make movement, as for example, when requesting a waiter? This way and in U.S.A. it is normal, but in Japan, Malaysia, Singapura and some countries of Africa the gesture can be considered rude, as to symbolize the death. To cross the fingers, with the average finger on the pointer, can mean good luck or calling of good energies for itself, in U.S.A., the United kingdom and Brazil, but it is obsceno gesture, for example, in the Vietnam. Horns? That one of the extended pointer and mindinho, while the too much fingers remain closed. It is common to mean reference to rockn roll or protection against plagues, this in the Dominican Republic, U.S.A.

and Brazil. But, in Cuba, in same Italy or in Brazil it can symbolize infidelity, horns of the devil and until sexual insult. In the doubt, any gesture that to make makes it smiling, thus the receiver will not take at first moment as aggression and possibly it will not leave for ignorance, seno it runs. Edson Silva, 49 years, journalist of the Assessorship of the Press of the City hall of Sumar edsonsilvajornalista@

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