Conscious Decision
A conscious act of will is to remember, the ever-existing love. If someone claims that we are all divine beings with Allwissenheit and entitled to eternal life, it is not verwunderlich that turns some of the question, why we then look at a world where seemingly few people are connected to their knowledge and wisdom, and the sight of our world often seem divine, even cruel and unjust us as un. This Diskrepanz seems impossible to us, and we take advantage of this obvious”gorge between thesis and appearance as an argument that these behauptung just are not true can, and us much prefer simplicity sake in a system file, which puts us at the forefront of animal evolution and therefore also enables us, unfairly imposing on our behavior and how they affect our MUTmasslichen animal origin. This is only one of many alternatives, which we use to us unserer “To evade responsibility and in their overall appearance, a wild mix” of theses and insinuations, so to speak, in the forest of physical explanations, philosophical views and unzahliger models the Genesis story, aberration is probably vorprogrammiert. Recently Peter Asaro sought to clarify these questions. It is therefore understandable that it isn’t easy for us with all the NebuloSen and confusing, what confronts us in this regard, to preserve a clear view to discover a possibility which is able to close the gap between the seemingly insurmountable Gorge in reconciliation.
“The only reasonable explanation is that the freedom to choose leaves any, how consciously or even unconsciously he wants to experience this on Earth as a human being and that every for the connection to the divine or the maternity” can decide from the original in an election. That we are all knowing, but every man for himself decides how and whether he ever use this knowledge would like to. A conscious decision that will be taken by us, and which so generally requires a whole lot of non-continuity, effort, effort, discipline, Leidenschaft, is to link to this knowledge, to remember that.