Brazilian Institute

It is a way to sell at a loss the expenditures, to make company the mother and aged father, being that in this process the grandmothers finish helping in the creation them grandsons. The cohabitation, even so contributes for the firmao of the familiar bows, also is the cause of gratings familiar conflicts. You denounce them of 03 violence against the old ones, test that the fact to live with the children do not bring they guarantee of security. It is in the family who the individual dramas occur basically. (PEIXOTO, 2004 apud KEYS BERNARDINE) Baroni (2007) president of the National ABCMI today declared that the aged population in Brazil it is of 30 million Brazilians.

It believes that the country is not prepared for the aging of the population and that the problems today involving the aged ones are of cultural origin. According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE), the number of aged in Brazil has grown very. They is esteem that up to 2020 the country is sixth in number of old in the world with approximately 40 million. The aging is on to a decline of the physical capacities, becoming related also with a psychological and mannering fragility. The aged one left of being seen as source of wisdom and experience for the family and the community.

Better to understand this concept of the violence against the aged one we were until the police station of installment to the aged one, the DEATI (Special Police station of attendance to the aged one), that penalty was established has two years, being that it receives from ten the twenty cases, complaints per day. In the police station we observe that, some people who appear for there are of middle class or low. The DEATI is a police station that was established with the objective to prevent and to select the practised misdemeanors against bigger people of sixty years.

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