BFW Leipzig
Professional situation improve through use of graduates of vocational rehabilitation the vocational promotion work Leipzig (BFW Leipzig) is waiting to the end of the year with new and customized opportunities for vocational rehabilitation, offered from January 2014. Thus, the BFW Leipzig responds to the demands of the labour market. Vocational rehabilitation offers the possibility, newly trained in a suitable profession for the labour market to allow people with health-related restrictions. Just in terms of the shortage, the future graduates of the adult education represent a great potential. You have personal skills, learned to appreciate many companies usually made their first profession. As BFW Leipzig we have set ourselves the task, to bring people back into work”, explains Dr. Eveline Uhlig, head of training at the BFW Leipzig.
We offer on different ways, to make the chances of reintegration in work as optimally as possible.” Therefore have the BFW Leipzig exactly thought about which training can be offered in the coming year. It comes to the needs of labour market reports. Profession such as the specialist practitioners in the storage area or the industrial business with remote support are new to the program,”explains Dr. Eveline Uhlig. In its opinion, it is very important to observe the labour market speaking that are locally in the company and acquire jobs for the future graduates to the recruitment consultants, but also actively participate in corporate networks. Wherever we learn very quickly, where the focus is that we must align our education.” It is only logical that the BFW Leipzig offer again 21 professions Board conclusion with regard to commercial and industrial technical also in January 2014. Add six more professions that are new from June 2014 in the training program for the rehabilitation would be.