Tide Power Production
Tide Power Company announces the opening of the company for the production of diesel and gas generators in Volokolamsk. The new production facility in Russia will fill the domestic market reliable, efficient and affordable electric power capacity from 2 to 5000 kW. Through the use of imported equipment and modern technology ensures consistently high product quality and reducing production time. Most will reproductive-health/publications/ru/mec/index.htm ultramodern gas, diesel and petrol generators to meet the most urgent requirements, that is, with low fuel consumption and high power output. This will be used the latest development, resulting from research laboratories Tide Power Systems. For buyers power provides free delivery in Moscow and Moscow region, as well as installation and installation by the customer. Launch businesses in the suburbs has many advantages, including lack of the cost of shipping units from abroad. Local production will provide an opportunity to significantly reduce the cost of power generation for domestic consumer.
Also, the company will be packaging plants, that is installing them in a specially equipped unit containers. Moreover, an assembly area for the block-containers, as well will be on the premises. Basic equipment of any power of the model can be expanded to include additional options. Can also be fitted with special devices or modifications to the specific operating conditions on request. Depending on the embodiments, the generators will be equipped with exhaust systems, waste heat, and absorption chillers to produce cold.
At needed to power the system will be installed ATS (automatic transfer switch), and other accessories. An important component of production is high-tech firm service center warranty and after warranty service. Service and maintenance work carried out on the basis of primary production, which means the constant availability of spare parts and full list of supplies. After the installation of parts or repair the unit, all work performed shall be warranted for 1 year. The company's management believes that the increase in output power in Russia – is not only economically profitable but also a factor contributing to the development of competition in this segment, and, consequently, increase the volume of production of quality products. Therefore, the company plans to further Tide Power increase the share of natural gas, diesel and gasoline generator, collected in Russia, and today expanded distribution channels branded parts and accessories. Thus, with the opening of new production diesel and gas power plants in Russia, created the prospect of the enterprise for decades to come. About Tide Power Tide Power Company is engaged in the manufacture, sale and service of gas, diesel and gasoline stations. The company's specialists perform a full range of research, design, installation and maintenance services. The company is an authorized distributor Tide Power Systems in Russia – the world's leading manufacturer of diesel and gas power plants with capacity from 2 to 5000 kW. For gas and diesel power generators Tide Power Company provides a guarantee 1 year or 2000 Moto / hours. Contact: Denis Zhukov S. (Technical Director) Tel seven (four hundred and ninety-five) 987-4553