The Life Of A Loan

Sometimes it seems that you live another’s life. What a strange feeling comes when you think that all of this with you already – this move, gesture and the same words. And you feel himself an observer of events. So who are we, the rulers of their fate or blind artists of someone’s will, or that or what? Rarely meet a person, never experienced the magic of the prediction. There are many theories, explains this phenomenon, claiming truth in the first instance, or simply a philosophical speculation on the subject. But enough of the theory of ‘experts’. It’s there no matter what we think about it, if something is living in parallel with our lives, like the first ‘I’, and we just echo it. Known to many forecasters, the prophecies buyout still surprises people’s minds, ranging from biblical prophets to modern psychics.

History does not stand still and filled with new sensations and never ceases to surprise a person’s ability to look into the unknown. And what to do with the foresight of their own destiny. Many famous personalities either knew the exact date his death or the circumstances of his death. So what Try to ‘live’ only some of them. In January, 44g bc. er. during the reign of Julius Caesar in one of the tombs was found a plate with a prophecy: ‘When dig a grave Capua, a branch of the Julian House would cut off the hand of one of the relatives of his death but will soon be avenged terrible events in Italy ‘Roman prophet Vestritsy Spurinna warned Caesar of impending Risk taking is a prophecy about him.

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