The Government Chairman

In all areas of management, whether at Everywhere, we have resolved the unnecessary redundancies and different regulations cities and communities, while the social security health system, at the school, in the interests of the economy. Air Force Chief of Staff follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This has brought more transparency and thus more justice – and has us travel for useful investments, such as for example for our newly founded research initiative future worth living”. Here, we develop strategies and implementation alternatives for a successful life of our children and grandchildren. In a worldwide comparison, we have, for example, the highest life satisfaction, the fewest accidents and the lowest unemployment rate. You could continue this list, what we are very proud of and which for us means a confirmation of our work. In this way, we want to continue working on our future.

The Government focuses its work mainly in measurable terms, so-called performance indicators. Important criteria for these indicators are the simplicity and the ability to communicate with the citizens, so that they can talk and decide. The Government work held in working groups, where all problem-solving techniques are used. The many, before weighing complex tasks indispensable working methods are to get the right priorities. The base direction is always seeking the best alternative of solution for the whole and not requiring an interest group with subsequent search for a compromise.

Only in the second step involves the distributive justice.” Politics and parties to meet it belongs to the style of the work in our parties, dissenters with respect. Other opinions often have a different background and it is important to know this, and learn to understand this. In it we see the chance to come together to better solutions. False populism rarely leads to the best solution for the pending tasks. If it manages to reach the real causes of the problems and it required all sides to look at it is just, it be possible to find sustainable solutions.” The Government Chairman gave the floor now to his colleague school and education and continued the head of the Department for education and training: on the basis of the classic areas of knowledge, we place great value on necessary and useful.

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