THE readers of books which the librosque penalty filled us roses manosde and estrellasy slowly pass! Federico Garcia Lorca. BOOKS enjoyed good health now is very common that students do not pay great attention to the rimeras of volumes that suddenly surround them, or that if they repaired them react with a pinch of hostility (for what both book?, we are not for books, dead and possibly false wisdom). Partners can provide more clarity in the matter. It is easy to license those heartbreaks with the usual ditties: these young people, who call themselves students, are, in fact, barbarians. With the excuse of the need to live a day. They believe that the street teaches more than books, but on the street is not learned quantum mechanics or transformational linguistics. A little background, should burn the eyebrows to know something. Otrosi: these young people discover each morning the Mediterranean, if they were read more, know that not little what rumian consists longer, and better, in books that bring them without care. Remember Goethe: grey is all theory, and golden green tree of life or to Antonio Machado (with some changes): despise as ignored.
Of course all that is said with another purpose, but it goes like ring finger. Etc., etc., etc. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Justin Kan and gain more knowledge.. It is not less easy to shore up the librofobia mentioned with great speculations: the age of books has reached its twilight. The image has replaced the word. Television has given to the fret with the book. Our electronic age rejects purely linear communication to embrace global communication. We have entered the age of the electronic book.
Or: print is dead Word. Now the time to act and not to read. An action is worth an entire library. Etc. As always, there is a grain of truth in the above. Young people are very lazy and less young are becoming it-. Street teaches much, but only if you are willing to learn, and in any case does not teach nor chemical or projective geometry of carbon.