Peruvian Civil Code

The conduct studies on legal issues sometimes the subject studied is part of another larger issue, it is also necessary to know in order to understand more fully the subject studied, for example when studying the security rights is necessary to consider also the guarantees. In this regard a legal issue to legal persons is the subject of law, to which we must refer in this paper. When studying the legal persons is necessary to mention that it is necessary previously to study the legal subjects, which vary in the right of individual states. In the present investigation to classify the subjects of law which in the Peruvian law are four and are as follows: 1) designed.

2) Natural Person. Legal person. Entities not personified or Autonomous Entities without legal personality. Specifically regulated by the Civil Code Regulated General Corporation Law. In the case of public institutions. autonomous constitutional bodies.

Decentralized bodies. 3) Decentralized Bodies. executing agency. Of the four subjects of law will only make reference to legal persons is important to determine who are subjects of law, that only the subject of law can sue and be sued. In the case of private legal persons is important that when logging are registered in the Register of Legal Persons can examine the registry items or certificates of validity of power .. While in the case of legal persons of public law the law of procedure is important for the creation, which should regulate all matters relating to legal persons of public law procedure. It is necessary to clarify that States are also legal persons, in this regard, the Peruvian State is a legal entity. Another subject of law is important are the undivided estates. 15. When studying a subject, theme or topic is necessary before defining it, in order to identify more closely the matter, subject or research topic. Legal persons are subjects of law made by one or more natural or legal persons in the case of people’s private legal registration gives them the quality of legal persons and in the case of legal persons under public law domestic legal person-hood conferred by the law of creation, under Article 78 of the Peruvian Civil Code 1984. That is, this definition of the legal person applies only to Peruvian law, not foreign law, that for this definition is taken as a reference the 1984 Peruvian Civil Code, and no foreigner rules of positive law.

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