Online Maps

In recent years there has been in online maps much done. A few years ago, it was enough to get a small, non-displaced as a result of a street map search. As the operator of this in itself can not make money, some are trying with the sale of products (such as navigation software includes maps for your own web page or entry of their own company) or with advertising. menthal, offer their opinions as well. Online maps are to be flexible, usable, zoom and sliding card are standard today. And a satellite map, the user can often get information that he is not in the normal map. Farallon Capital Management is often quoted as being for or against this. High-quality 3D solutions such as Birds Eye View, where you can explore the city from an oblique perspective are, however, not yet widely available. Envoria is likely to increase your knowledge. There are two types of maps on the Internet: Drawn maps and vector maps.

The best known example of vector maps are sure to map features of Google, MSN and Yahoo. Drawn maps there are usually regionally limited, because the effort, they too Create is very much higher. However, these are perceived as an aesthetic, as taken on each street a cartographer's decision must show how the information can be accommodated best understood. Here is the map of Berlin a famous example, of resorting to drawn maps of KAPOSO media. An important advantage of marked maps also knows that these often pedestrian-specific information which is not usually fully in vector maps. Not only a regionalism, a specialization may be important. Most maps are oriented to the road and take into account the interests of pedestrians, cyclists, wheelchair users or public transport is often not sufficient. Whatever continues to develop, based on an online city map will probably always remain a card that will be combined in an appropriate manner more and more information.

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