Mexico City

The only thing that persist within national borders will be the population that makes up a country. The fundamental property of a nation will be the capacity and skill of their ciuidadanos. The main political task of a nation consist handled with the centrifugal forces of the global economy that will break the bonds that hold citizens granting more and more prosperity to the most trained and skilled, while less com-ing tightness relegated to a lower standard of living. As borders are no longer make sense in economic terms, those individuals who are better able to thrive in the global market will be induced to work liibrarse the bas of the national commitment, and, in doing so he must resign from their less fortunate colleagues. With amazing regularity hear about the gross national product, balance of trade, economic growth rates, the reiservas of a nation, unemployment rates, national productivity, the value of the assets of a nation profitability of enterprises. Political officials' stress some figures with pride, his rivals say other (and occasionally mis-plus) with dismay. This has become a national sport.

Each new set of figures and calculations unleashed a frenzy of speculation: Are we better or worse? Any other country has outstripped us? Are we taking the lead? What can that mean for our economic future? The image and the word of numerous comentarisitas appear on television trying to clear the main in-cognitasa . Knowledge and preparation can make every American (and must do), it is definitely the future wealth of the continent, still marginalized in many respects to be a participant in a globalized world. Pedagogue. Degree in Mathematics, Master in Education. Icep current director of the Institute for Teaching and Research in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Former Director of the Mexican Cultural Society in Mexico City, currently Member of the Academic Network of the Inter-American Development a tica y Ibero America, is a lecturer on the subject of sociology and ethics of the individual behavioral Articles contained in the virtual library IDB, in the OEI, and the Ministry of Culture of Spain. Married with four sons, devoted his time to teaching and family. Email: Web: / insticep Santillan 3227 2000 Rosario Santa Fe Argentina Tel: 54-341-453 6639

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