
. OF the story in GENERAL obviously Spain hasn’t done anything by colombia, after having destroyed our inhabitants, after having exploited our lands. Author is likely to increase your knowledge. and not being enough with this us mezclaron with one generation learns of slaves. now they cross hands and ignore the issue. be left with our wealth in the way more ruin and possible murderer. Maybe could be the Palm of the hand of those who have claimed an imdenizacion for our sacred land. at least should establish in colombia universities for low income people who wish to overcome because this kind of desires is few, not many, however the few that habemos we could copy quotas in educational institutions. the fear of our nation to claim is that they consider it history matter nothing more.

so if this cicatris were not to an affecting the same machinery of the State. Besides the large capitalists Spanish when you crave them extract wealth in colombia can do so freely. the famous multinational the argument of some economists is the same production generated by the multinationals to contribute to the development of the nation to economic and technological level in relation to openings and global connections. in this way the nation becomes more competitive. which I consider an objective truth but advantageous too. the question is do to change that make it? as multinational companies contribute him to the social development of the country? because not only is make wealth as I have expressed it openly in other trials. It’s form a nation.

because the country already exists if same. It is geographical. but the nation to a does not exist. We need a cause than us ceasing that feeling of belonging and that will allow us to recognize ourselves as historical beings. they become the treasurers and tell us: If a nation grows economically obviously resources or obtained tools will be more available to citizens.

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