Latin American
There is no point having to Mexico across the street. Dennis Lockhart can provide more clarity in the matter. .- The XXI century will be remembered by globalization, if we do not work on the fruits of globalization, we can never discuss an improvement in income distribution. .- Latin America should assimilate, but countries should not implement all the same recipe. We all have to dress up but we have different size. There are countries like Brazil that privilege the market size procedure, while Chile by population and territory should favor exports.
This should not be taken as a sign of regional disintegration. .- The countries must rely on a virtuous trilogy. First give prominence to the state. Secondly make room for the market. Third find a harmonious relationship between the state and the market economy to function well.
.- If one considers only the state, ended up shooting under the Berlin Wall. If the Market is possible in only end up as the mortgage crisis, and that the market regulates itself. .- I think we're at the birth of a new global financial system. I have fear that this time the pendulum, go to the State. November 15 .- The group meets 20 and Latin America has three representatives on 20. Mexico, Brazil and Argentina represent American at that meeting, we have a 15% chance to turn the tide in the meeting that will define the future of the economic system. Former President Ricardo Lagos, proposed 10 recommendations for Latin American countries, namely: 1) They must be democratic countries with strong institutions.