Federal Law

Forms of compulsory product certification shall specifically authorized federal executive authority in the field of certification or other federal bodies of executive power authorized in accordance with this Article, taking into account existing international and foreign practice. (In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 4. Demonstration of compliance may also be conducted through the adoption of the manufacturer (seller or performer) Declaration of Conformity. The declaration of conformity is a document in which the manufacturer (seller or contractor) certifies that the supplied (sold) them products conform to specified requirements. Lists of products conformity can be confirmed by the declaration of compliance requirements for the declaration of conformity and the procedure for adoption approved by the Russian Federation. The declaration of conformity, adopted in prescribed manner, registered in the certification body and is legally binding on a par with the certificate.

(Section 4 introduces the Federal Law of 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 5. Advertising of products subject to mandatory certification is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising. (In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) Article 8. Participants The participants of mandatory certification to mandatory certification are specially authorized federal executive body in the field of certification, and other federal bodies of executive power authorized to carry out work on mandatory certification, certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers), manufacturers (sellers, executors) products, as well as central authorities of certification, defined as appropriate for the organization and coordination of systems certification of similar products.

(In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) are allowed to conduct work on mandatory certification organization, regardless of their organizational-legal forms of ownership, if they do not are the manufacturers (sellers, executors) and consumers (buyers) of the certified products, provided they are accredited in accordance with established procedure and there is a license to carry out works under compulsory certification.

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