Farewell Unwashed Russia
Russia has seen a boom hand soap raboty.Chto Whatever was said, and what would not have cited statistics – the welfare of the average Russian has been steadily increasing, and therefore are widely used goods and even pleasant, to some extent useful, but not so much needed. How else to explain that in Russia there are more and more mylovarni, and the number of people willing to pay for a piece of detergent 150-300 rubles constantly increases. In St. Add to your understanding with Dennis Lockhart. Petersburg, for example, in each, self-respecting, the shopping center must have a soap shop. Manufacturers are different – from the little known Arab and Bulgarian up to network projects, such as LUSH, Stendera Fresh Line (under the auspices of the Rive Gauche). In Moscow the situation is simpler – more shopping malls, and wishing to do so "slippery" in business, apparently – is much less.
If the mall capital of the network is not present "soap" operator, then it is not necessary that there be entered private business with his bench, and that – unlike Peter. This can be explained – the retail business is not so hot soapy how profitable by Moscow standards, but at very This troublesome. Another thing – the soap-manufacturing. Inspired by the triumphant march of Latvian soap-boiler (as we know, they first came to Russia in this format), our domestic Mendeleev seriously podnapryaglis and also began to give out to the surface such products. It was quite easy. The main thing – quality materials: soap base, oils, perfumes.